At John Barber & Sons, we didn't want to reinvent the wheel, because we don't need that either. Let's just rewind the time, back then the barber chairs were not called Barber Chair Antique because they weren't back then, the designs back then were contemporary. After that, a new time came and people thought that you had to reinvent everything. They then suddenly launched men's hairdressing chairs, but they were unusable and impractical. It was not a barber chair vintage style but rather impractical chairs. Then we came, we wanted to point out the bygone times, we wanted to resurrect them and make every barber chair retro style shine again. It's not about calling a barber chair vintage or to call a barber chair retro and selling it better, it's much more about evoking a sense of time. I name a model: Retro hairdressing chair then everyone knows what it's about, everyone thinks of old barbershops & the good old days. If I call a chair Barber Chair Retro, then I am hinting at something even more explicitly, I am pointing to our craft, because we are not hairdressers, if we were hairdressers, then we would call the chairs Hairdresser's Chair Retro. We deliberately refer to our models as Barber Chair Retro because we exclusively manufacture barber chairs. The same is the case with the Barber chair antique, antique sounds very old-fashioned, it almost has museum character. However, the term antique also has something precious in it, if we connect it together with our barber chairs and have it called barber chair antique, so it sounds passionate and honorable. Anyone looking for a men's vintage style hairdressing chair is right, because all of our chairs have the vintage look!